State of Maine Proclamation


WHEREAS, American history is an essential component of a complete and well-rounded education; and

WHEREAS, the study of history provides us a deeper understanding of our culture and traditions and connects us with events, people, places, and ideas of our country's past; and

WHEREAS, understanding our shared history allows us to make better decisions about our future, and to prevent repeating mistakes of the past; and

WHEREAS, it is important for students of all ages to achieve a better understanding of American history, including the stories of freedom, equality, leadership, loss, and achievement that have created the foundation of our nation; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with 1 MRSA § 113, the State of Maine designates the month of February each year as American History Month;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Janet T. Mills, Governor of the State of Maine, do hereby proclaim the month of February as

American History Month

throughout the State of Maine, and I urge all citizens to recognize this observance in schools and other suitable places with appropriate ceremony and activity.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affixed GIVEN under my hand at Augusta this twenty ninth day of January Two Thousand Twenty-Five

Official Seal of the State of Maine

  • Signature of Shenna Bellows
  • Shenna Bellows
  • Secretary of State
  • Signature of Janet Mills
  • Janet T. Mills
  • Governor