
In accordance with a directive of the President, Governor Janet Mills has ordered that the United States and State of Maine flags be lowered to half-staff statewide Monday, September 11, 2023 in honor of the victims and survivors of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The Governor issued the following statement:

Governor Janet Mills and U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden today applauded President Joe Biden’s approval of the State of Maine’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration for a June 26 storm in Oxford County that caused more than $2.6 million in infrastructure damage.

Governor Janet Mills and U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden today applauded President Joe Biden’s approval of the State of Maine’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration for a June 29 storm in Franklin County that caused more than $6.5 million in infrastructure damage.

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today in honor of Labor Day:

Applications are being accepted by the Department of Economic & Community Development now through Friday, October 13

Governor Janet Mills today announced that the Department of Economic and Community Development is accepting applications for the annual Governor’s Award for Business Excellence (GABE). Since 1991, the award has recognized and celebrated Maine businesses with a high level of commitment to their community and employees, as well as exemplary performance in the manufacturing or service professions.

In a letter to the Biden Administration, key Congressional Committees, and Maine’s Congressional Delegation, Governor Janet Mills outlined Maine’s priorities for the forthcoming farm bill.

In the August 30th letter, Governor Mills expressed her support for a comprehensive and equitable Farm Bill that addresses critical agriculture, nutrition, forestry, and conservation programs that will benefit Maine farmers and the agricultural community.

Boothbay, MAINE – To mark International Overdose Awareness Day, Governor Janet Mills today joined leaders, advocates, and individuals touched by substance use order at a remembrance and awareness ceremony hosted by the 716 Candles Project in Boothbay. The number “716” refers to the number of suspected or confirmed deaths attributed to drug overdose last year in Maine.

University of Maine awarded $1 million to establish new manufacturing center

Orono, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills and U.S. Senator Susan Collins today joined officials from the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) to announce that 16 Maine organizations have been awarded $11 million in Federal funding to strengthen economic opportunity in rural Maine communities.

Governor Janet Mills has requested that President Joe Biden issue Major Disaster Declarations to help Western Maine recover from June storms that brought heavy rainfall and flooding that caused more than $9 million in infrastructure damage. 

State of Maine ends Fiscal Year 2023 with a surplus, triggering funding to be distributed to the Budget Stabilization Fund and housing programs

Governor Janet Mills announced today that the State’s Budget Stabilization Fund, also commonly known as the Rainy Day Fund, has reached $968.3 million, a record high and the maximum allowed under State law.

Federal funds through the Governor’s Jobs Plan will be made available to help Maine schools recruit, train, and retain educators through apprenticeship programs

Gorham, MAINE – The Mills Administration announced today a new initiative to help Maine schools recruit, train, and retain educators through pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs.

Order directs Administration to develop a plan to create an Office with the overarching goal of effectively incorporating immigrants into our workforce and communities to strengthen the economy

Governor Janet Mills today signed an Executive Order directing her Administration to develop a plan to establish an Office of New Americans in Maine State government.

Governor Janet Mills has signed the following bills into law: 

Bath, MAINE — Governor Janet Mills and U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King today delivered remarks at the christening of the future USS Harvey C Barnum Jr (DDG 124), a navy destroyer built at Bath Iron Works.

Governor Janet Mills has signed the following bills into law:

President Biden and Governor Mills highlight how Biden-Harris Administration investments are strengthening Maine’s economy

Auburn, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills joined President Joe Biden at Auburn Manufacturing today in Auburn to highlight how historic investments by the Biden-Harris Administration are supporting the innovation and ingenuity of Maine people to build a stronger, more prosperous economy.

Legislation authorizes procurement of up to 3,000 MW of offshore wind energy, ensures industry opportunity for all Maine workers and employers, and protects critical lobstering area to reduce impact on commercial fishing

Governor Janet Mills today signed into law LD 1895, legislation to advance offshore wind in Maine by procuring up to 3,000 MW of offshore wind energy, allowing for critical port development, creating opportunity for all Maine workers and businesses in the emerging offshore wind industry, and protecting critical lobstering areas from development.

With Maine’s wild blueberry harvest season now underway, Governor Janet Mills has declared August 5–6, 2023 as Maine's Third Annual Wild Blueberry Weekend.

The Governor announced the 2023 Wild Blueberry Weekend during a Blaine House celebration today, where she was joined by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Commissioner Amanda Beal, Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine Director of Programs Jennifer Maskala, and Maine wild blueberry growers and processors.

After the Legislature sustained her veto of LD 398, Governor Janet Mills today signed an Executive Order to pursue a minimum wage for farm workers.

Business leaders tout new program as “a pivotal mechanism for economic development” and “key to future growth”

Lisbon, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills and Maine business leaders today touted the state’s new economic development program, the Dirigo Business Incentive Program, during a visit to Springworks Farm in Lisbon.

White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi joins Governor Mills to announce milestone at heat pump workforce lab at Kennebec Valley Community College

Fairfield, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills today announced that Maine has – two years ahead of time – surpassed its goal of installing 100,000 new heat pumps by 2025, a milestone that represents significant progress in reducing Maine’s reliance on heating oil, lowering heating costs, and curbing harmful carbon emissions.

Mills Administration dedicates $1 million to purchase and distribute test strips for the powerful sedative xylazine, a growing contributor to fentanyl overdoses in Maine and the nation

Governor Janet Mills today announced steps to combat the dangers of xylazine, a powerful sedative that, when combined with fentanyl, is contributing to a growing number of overdoses and overdose deaths in Maine and across the country.

Governor has also signed a package of reproductive rights bills to protect access to abortion in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last year overturning Roe v. Wade

Governor Janet Mills today signed into law legislation that puts the decision about whether to have an abortion later in pregnancy in the hands of women and their doctors – not politicians or lawyers, ensuring that patients can get care they need, when they need it.

Governor Janet Mills announced today that she has appointed the Honorable Sean C. Paulhus of Bath to serve the Register of Probate for Sagadahoc County. He replaces Jean Guzzetti, who recently resigned from the position.

Prior to his appointment by the Governor, Paulhus was serving his third term representing Bath in the Maine House of Representatives. Paulhus resigned from the Maine House on July 14 in order to accept the Governor’s appointment.

Governor Janet Mills has signed the following bills into law: