
Record Clean Energy Investments Achieved Since State’s Climate Action Plan, Maine Won’t Wait, Was Released in 2020

Waterville, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills announced today that she will invest $5.4 million in State and Federal funds in two climate initiatives to protect Maine communities and to create good-paying clean energy jobs.

Joins Maine CDC to unveil five-year HIV prevention and care plan 

Following its meeting today, Maine’s nonpartisan Revenue Forecasting Committee (RFC) is expected to upgrade the State’s General Fund revenue forecast by approximately $282.8 million for the current biennium, which ends June 2023. The RFC also increased its projection for Fiscal Years 2024-2025 by $488.6 million.

Maine Senators Susan Collins and Angus King, Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden, and Governor Janet Mills today released the following statement after Whole Foods Market said it would stop selling Maine lobster nationwide:

Strategic investments by Governor Mills will reduce unemployment taxes in 2023

The Mills Administration announced today that many Maine businesses will see a significant reduction in unemployment taxes next year thanks to strategic investments by Governor Mills in Maine’s unemployment trust fund.

Activists with an axe to grind have weaponized the court system and the Endangered Species Act,” say the Maine Congressional Delegation and Governor Mills in a statement

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today on the new standard offer electricity supply rates for 2023:

“The standard offer prices accepted by the PUC are the direct result of Maine’s overreliance on fossil fuels, particularly natural gas, and the unprecedented volatility in global energy markets since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, all of which are now costing Maine people and businesses far too much to fill their tanks and power their homes as we head into the winter months.

Senator Collins was a member of the core group of 10 Senators who negotiated the infrastructure package

Mills Administration launches new website to track new infrastructure progress and projects across the state

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement recognizing Veterans Day:

“Today, we pause to honor the dedication and sacrifice of those who have served Maine and the nation in the U.S. Armed Forces. From the 20th Maine’s valiant defense of Little Round Top to the Maine National Guardsmen and women who will deploy around the world next year, Maine people have always stepped up to serve when our nation has called upon them. On Veterans Day, we express our gratitude to all those who have served, and recommit to stand by them, just as they have stood by us.”

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement in response to an announcement by Sappi that it will invest approximately $418 million to convert its No. 2 Paper Machine at the Somerset Mill in Skowhegan to manufacture packaging and specialty papers.

Governor Janet Mills today praised an announcement by LP Building Solutions, a Tennessee-based manufacturer of engineered wood building products, that it will invest approximately $400 million to expand its LP Houlton facility to manufacture more of its flagship siding product. When completed, the expansion is expected to create 100 new jobs.

With the deadline to file a 2021 income tax return closed, the Mills Administration announced today that 850,010 relief checks have been sent to Maine taxpayers across the state.

The $850 inflation relief checks – or $1700 for the average Maine family – is one of the strongest inflation relief measures in the country and is intended to help Maine people deal with rising costs.

American Rescue Plan Act funds build on historic investments to strengthen child care for working families

Governor Janet Mills announced today that the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will award nearly $5.5 million to current and new Maine child care providers in the latest round of investments her administration is making to expand the availability of affordable, high-quality child care for Maine’s working families. 

Governor also visits newly dedicated Sukeforth Family Sports Center

Waterville, Maine – Governor Janet Mills today visited small businesses in Waterville and was briefed by municipal leaders on an $11.2 million partnership with Colby College and MaineDOT to upgrade the city’s downtown infrastructure.

Career Exploration program to connect 6,000 young people with paid opportunities at Maine employers to strengthen Maine’s workforce

Bath, MAINE Governor Janet Mills today announced the Maine Career Exploration program, a $25 million, two-year initiative of her Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan to connect 6,000 young people in Maine to future career opportunities by funding paid work experiences with employers across the state.

Bangor and Brewer, MAINE — Governor Janet Mills announced the opening of a $5 million grant program through her Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan today to strengthen Maine entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses. This program represents the second round of grants from the Pandemic Recovery for an Innovative Maine Economy (PRIME) Fund, administered by the Maine Technology Institute (MTI).

More than 2,900 Maine small businesses to receive a one-time utility account credit funded through the Governor’s Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan to offset energy costs  

Governor Janet Mills announced today that 2,919 Maine small businesses and nonprofit organizations will soon receive a one-time electric utility account credit of more than $2,000 to provide relief from increased energy costs. This relief is the product of legislation sponsored by Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Aroostook, and signed into law by Governor Mills.  

Sanford, MAINE – During a visit to Sanford today, Governor Janet Mills highlighted a new $34 million partnership between the City of Sanford and the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) that will revitalize the city’s downtown.

Bucksport, MAINE —During a visit to Bucksport today, Governor Janet Mills visited two local seafood processing businesses who received grants awarded through her Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan to upgrade their infrastructure.

With Federal forecasts expecting energy prices to remain high this winter, the Governor’s Energy Office has updated its winter heating resource guide to help Maine people and families take action to save money, improve their home’s energy efficiency, and find heating assistance if needed.

Governor also donates $100,000 from Contingent Account to Lobstermen’s Association to support ongoing legal battles

Today Governor Janet Mills directed the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) to file a motion to expedite the appeal of a recent decision by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Maine Lobstermen’s Association v. National Marine Fisheries Service.  

Gorham, MAINE — Governor Janet Mills welcomed U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to Maine Tuesday, showcasing the state’s new universal free school lunch program at Gorham Middle School.

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Day:

Governor Janet Mills today announced that she fully supports a move by Maine’s Congressional Delegation to introduce legislation to block federal taxpayer funds from going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch recently “Red Listed” Maine lobster, despite no scientific evidence that Maine’s lobster industry harms right whales.

First time in at least two decades that Maine is forecasted to meet its financial obligations, as approved by Maine voters and state lawmakers.

Two significant reports this week show that Maine is prepared to withstand significant economic challenges because of Governor Janet Mills’ strong fiscal management.