Governor Mills: My Administration will do all we can to support Maine’s small businesses through these terribly difficult times.

Small businesses across our state — the neighborhood corner store, the bed and breakfasts, the bookstore, the local hardware store — they have all faced unprecedented challenges during this pandemic, ranging from the heartbreak of temporarily closing their doors to the herculean task of reopening in new and very different ways.

Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

To offer some small lifeline to try to keep afloat these small businesses that are at the core of our economy, we have created the Maine Economic Recovery Grant Program.

This program, backed by $200 million in Federal CARES Act money, provides some financial relief for businesses and non-profits that have incurred business disruptions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

2,329 awards are going out this week. They include 2,072 to small businesses and 257 to non-profits. We’re putting out a total of $105 million dollars to these small businesses this week and the grants average just over $45,000 apiece going out to recipients all across the state. For obvious reasons, the hospitality sector, particularly lodging and accommodations, represent the largest percentage of recipients, drawing down 35 percent of these awards.

These grants all went to businesses with 50 or fewer employees.

So with this first round of awards going out as we speak, now Phase 2 of the Economic Recovery Grant Program can begin.

In Phase 2, businesses and non-profits that employ up to 250 people will be eligible for grants. Licensed childcare and behavioral health organizations will also be eligible, along with businesses that are less than one year old. The application portal for Phase Two of the Economic Recovery Grant Program is open now until October 29th.

Organizations interested in applying for this program can go to the Department of Economic and Community Development’s website at The website also includes information and answers to frequently asked questions. 

Small businesses across Maine – like the corner store, the bookstore, the bed and breakfast and the hardware store – they’ve all faced these unprecedented challenges. Many have risen to the task, but with the global economy still reeling from this virus, and the virus still spreading in states on our doorstep, and with people still wary of how and where to eat and shop, it is crucial that we provide whatever help we can to get businesses through this period.

My Administration will do all we can to support Maine’s small businesses through these terribly difficult times.

We know grants cannot wholly replace or repair the economic damage the pandemic has caused, but our mission is to ensure that every dollar has at least a small, direct positive impact on these businesses and on Maine’s economy. 

I encourage all eligible businesses to apply for the second round of the Maine Economic Recovery Program while I and governors across this country continue to call on Congress to provide greater relief to the people of the State of Maine and of this country.

I encourage everybody listening to support our small businesses. Order groceries and pick them up curbside if you wish, call your local stores and order your goods and produce locally whenever you possibly can.

We need these small businesses to survive. It’s critical to the kind of place that Maine is and to the survival of our communities.

Stay safe, keep the faith, this is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.