
The Mills Administration through Maine Emergency Management Agency has signed agreements with the University of Maine System and the Maine Community College System to coordinate requests for assistance and the deployment of resources to assist in Maine’s response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.  These agreements, signed on Sunday, March 22, identify the roles and responsibilities of Maine’s public higher education systems and MEMA and how the systems will assist with response and recovery efforts.

Governor also urges large essential businesses to limit in-store customers, enhance curbside pick-up and delivery services, and implement physical distancing measures to protect customer and employee health

Citing the “substantial toll” the COVID-19 pandemic is taking on Maine’s independent fishermen, acquaculturists, wholesale dealers, and seafood processors, Governor Janet Mills pressed President Donald Trump to marshal the resources of the federal government to support Maine’s vital fishing and seafood industries.

Governor Janet Mills today directed Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Commissioner Judy Camuso to open all inland waters for fishing and to waive the requirement that anglers need a recreational fishing license to fish the inland waters of Maine. The order, which is effectively immediately, will run through April 30 and is intended to encourage Maine people to enjoy the outdoors as we confront the challenges associated with COVID-19. The Governor is considering additional measures to make Maine’s great outdoors more accessible to Maine people.

Pledge to continue to work together to support Maine people and Maine’s economy

Today, Governor Janet Mills and U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and U.S. Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden convened a conference call to discuss the State’s response to COVID-19 and the Congressional Delegation’s work in Congress to support the State’s efforts.

Governor Janet Mills announced today that she has signed The Made for Maine Health Coverage Act to improve private health insurance for Maine people and small businesses.

Governor Janet Mills today pressed the Federal government to provide more Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and testing supplies to the State of Maine. In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, Governor Mills requested that the Federal government expedite the release of PPE from the Strategic National Stockpile and pushed for “a steady and reliable supply” of testing materials as the outbreak intensifies.

Governor prohibits dine-in service at bars and restaurants; bans gatherings more than 10 people & signs emergency legislation to respond to COVID-19

Under authority granted to her in a civil state of emergency, Governor Janet Mills today issued an Executive Order mandating that all restaurants and bars statewide close to dine-in customers effective today

Governor Janet Mills and the State Legislature spearheaded a package of emergency measures to respond to COVID-19 today. One emergency bill grants Governor Mills access to at least $11 million in State funding to respond to COVID-19, while another omnibus emergency bill expands authorities of State and local officials to allow them greater flexibility to respond to the virus and to provide support to Maine workers impacted by the virus. The bills were enacted by the Legislature and Governor Mills will sign them tomorrow.

These measures include:

Governor & Attorney General also warn Maine people about COVID-19 related scams

In response to concerns about the potential for price gouging as Maine responds to COVID-19, Governor Janet Mills today issued a Declaration of Abnormal Market Disruption.

Proposal Targets Funds to Protect Maine People and Safeguard Maine’s Economy With COVID-19

Governor Janet Mills and Legislative leaders reached a bipartisan agreement on a revised supplemental budget proposal that protects the health and well-being of Maine people as the State responds to the 2019 novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. In a vote this evening, the Legislature’s Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee unanimously approved the proposal. 

Governor Janet Mills today called for the statewide cancellation of Saint Patrick’s events to prevent the gathering of large crowds and further encourage social distancing measures to mitigate the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Maine.

State is one of the first in the nation to be approved

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) today approved Governor Mills’ application for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans to help Maine businesses overcome any temporary loss of revenue due to the novel coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19.

In the wake of several new presumptive positive cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Governor Janet Mills announced several new significant recommendations to respond to COVID-19 and signed a proclamation of civil emergency (PDF) to further protect public health. Governor Mills is recommending:

Governor Janet Mills is taking strong steps to protect Maine workers and small businesses impacted by the 2019 novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

Governor announces insurance emergency proclamation, temporary suspension of non-essential out-of-state work travel for State employees, and a recommendation to postpone large, indoor gatherings

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC) will provide $4,567,500 to the State of Maine to support the State’s response to the 2019 novel coronavirus, also known as (COVID-19).

Governor Janet Mills and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director (Maine CDC) Dr. Nirav Shah released the following statements in response:

Searsport, MAINE – Standing at the pier of Mack Port Terminal, Governor Janet Mills announced today that her Administration will examine the site for opportunities to support Maine’s renewable energy industry, specifically offshore wind. The announcement follows Governor Mills’ visit to Scotland last week as a member of a U.S. state and federal delegation organized by the United Kingdom government to learn more about offshore wind. It also follows her State of the State address in which she spoke of unleashing Maine’s offshore wind potential.

Governor Janet Mills today swore in Peter J. Rogers of Yarmouth as Director of the Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA).

Today, the Legislature’s Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services (HCIFS) Committee unanimously approved The Made for Maine Health Coverage Act, legislation sponsored by Governor Janet Mills, House Speaker Sara Gideon, and Senate President Troy Jackson.

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement tonight in response to Maine voters’ rejection of Question 1:

“Tonight, the health and wellbeing of Maine children prevailed. This law leaves medical exemptions up to medical professionals and ensures that Maine children are better protected from the spread of dangerous communicable diseases. It is the right thing to do for the health and safety of our kids.”

Response team met today to build on Maine CDC’s work in coordinating coronavirus preparation and response to protect public health

Governor Janet Mills today convened her Coronavirus Response Team charged with coordinating State government’s response across departments and local agencies and health authorities to the potential spread of novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

Governor Janet Mills announced today she has signed a bill to provide noncommercial lobster and crab fishing and scallop licenses to disabled veterans free of charge. The legislation, sponsored by Representative Allison Hepler of Woolwich, passed the Legislature with unanimous support.

The Maine Revenue Forecasting Committee today revised the State’s General Fund revenue forecast upward by $139 million, including a projected additional $40 million for the current Fiscal Year which ends June 30, 2020. Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement in response:

Governor Janet Mills announced today that she has nominated former Maine Attorney General William Schneider and Hampden Town Councilmember Dennis Marble to the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.