Maine Senate Confirms Five More of Governor Mills’ Cabinet Nominees

Lambrew, Sauschuck, Liberty, Makin and Head Confirmed

Augusta, MAINE - Today, the Maine Senate confirmed five more of Governor Janet Mills’ cabinet nominees: the Commissioners of the Departments of Health and Human Services, Public Safety, Corrections, Education, and Professional and Financial Regulation.

Governor Mills released the following statement in response:

“These five public servants, including two distinguished military veterans, are experts in health care, education, public safety, the criminal justice system, and more. I am pleased the Senate has recognized their wealth of experience, knowledge, and qualifications and confirmed them to their positions. I look forward to working with the Legislature to confirm the remaining nominee and, with a complete cabinet, beginning our shared work on behalf of the people of Maine.”

The Maine Senate confirmed the following nominees today, who all had earned favorable committee votes last week:

  • Jeanne Lambrew, Department of Health and Human Services
  • Michael Sauschuck, Department of Public Safety
  • Randall Liberty, Department of Corrections
  • A. Pender Makin, Department of Education
  • Anne Head, Department of Professional and Financial Regulation

The nominees will immediately assume their duties. The Governor’s Office will hold a public swearing in ceremony for cabinet members in the coming weeks, after the anticipated confirmation of her remaining cabinet nominee, Amanda Beal, for the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.

The committee confirmation hearing for Beal, who grew up on a dairy farm in Litchfield and is an expert in agriculture and sustainability, will be held February 14th at 1:00 PM before the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Joint Standing Committee in Cross Building, Room 214.