Governor Mills Welcomes UMaine System’s Effort to Forego Tuition Hikes for Maine Students

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today after the University of Maine System (UMS) announced it is rescheduling consideration of its FY22 budget to evaluate whether the Governor’s proposed “Part 2” budget, along with other considerations, can allow the System to hold in-state tuition rates flat for Maine students:

“I welcome this decision. The University of Maine System experienced heavy losses as a result of the pandemic, but our public higher education opportunities remain the best bargain for anyone looking to advance their skills, credentials, and careers. I thank the UMS administration and Board of Trustees for their reconsideration, and I hope they will be able to hold the line on expenses and tuition hikes for Maine students.”

Governor Mills’ Part 2 budget proposes increasing State funding to the University of Maine System by three percent – or approximately $6 million – in the upcoming Fiscal Year. The Governor has also proposed $20 million to increase the maximum awarded offered through Maine State Grant Program from $1,500 to $2,500. The program provides need-based grants to Maine undergraduate students to help with the cost of higher education.