Governor Mills Wears Red to Honor National ‘Go Red for Women’ Day

Governor Mills wearing red for Women DayAugusta, MAINE - Governor Janet Mills today showed her support for National Go Red for Women Day, a day dedicated to spreading awareness and eradicating cardiovascular disease among women, by wearing red. February is also American Heart Month.

“I am proud to join women and men across Maine and the country in wearing red today to spread awareness and help save lives,” said Governor Mills. “Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women, but by improving public awareness, increasing access to affordable health care, and investing in new research, we can help protect the women we know and love who may be affected at any age.”

According to the American Heart Association, one in three women die of cardiovascular disease. To mark Go Red for Women Day, organizations and individuals across the country will wear red, raise awareness by sharing content to social media, and donate to research efforts to reduce and eradicate cardiovascular diseases.

Get more information at the Go Red for Women Day website.