Governor Mills Swears In Patrick Scully As Commissioner of the Maine Public Utilities Commission

Governor Janet Mills today swore in Patrick Scully as Commissioner of the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) following his unanimous confirmation vote by the Maine State Senate.

“Patrick’s perspective and depth of experience will be a valuable asset to the Maine Public Utilities Commission,” said Governor Janet Mills. “I thank the Senate for their unanimous confirmation vote and look forward to Commissioner Scully’s work on the PUC as it ensures the delivery of safe, reliable, and affordable utility services to the people of Maine.”

“I am proud and honored to begin service as a member of the Maine Public Utilities Commission,” said Scully. “The PUC plays a vital role in protecting the interests of Maine ratepayers, holding our utilities to high standards of service and affordability, and making progress on our state’s ambitious climate and clean energy targets. I look forward to helping create a better future for Maine.”

Scully, 64, is the former CEO of Bernstein Shur and is one of Maine’s most knowledgeable attorneys in municipal, energy and utility regulations, with significant experience in the state’s burgeoning renewable energy sector, issues facing Maine ratepayers, and the important regulatory responsibilities of the PUC. He holds degrees from Dartmouth College in biology and environmental studies and a law degree from the University of Maine School of Law. Scully lives in Naples with his wife, Tory Ryden. 

The Maine Public Utilities Commission regulates electric, natural gas, water and telecommunications utilities to ensure Maine consumers have safe, adequate and reliable services and rates that are just and reasonable for consumers and utilities.

The PUC’s three full-time Commissioners serve staggered terms of 6 years and make all final Commission decisions by public vote or action of the majority.

This is Governor Mills’ second appointment to the PUC. In May 2019, she nominated Phil Bartlett, former Chair of the Legislature’s Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee, to serve as Chair of the PUC, who was also confirmed by the Senate.

Scully replaces former PUC member R. Bruce Williamson, whose term ended in March.