Governor Mills To Re-Nominate Keliher, Head and Farnham to Cabinet Posts

Augusta, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills announced today that she will re-nominate Commissioners Patrick Keliher, Anne Head, and Major General Douglas Farnham to their posts at the Maine Departments of Marine Resources, Professional and Financial Regulation, and Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management, respectively.

“Maine’s success depends on a state government led by qualified and experienced public servants,” said Governor Mills. “That’s what we have  in Commissioners Keliher, Head, and Farnham. They have led their departments ably, are well-respected, and their collective knowledge and decades of experience are incredible assets to our state. I look forward to working with them in the years ahead.”

Commissioner Head has served since 2011, Commissioner Keliher has served since 2012, and General Farnham has served since 2016. They were all appointed by Governor LePage. Keliher’s nomination will be considered by the Marine Resources Committee. Head’s nomination will be considered by the Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee. Farnham’s nomination will be considered by the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee. All three will then be subject to the approval of the Maine Senate.

The nominations are the latest of Governor Mills’ cabinet selections, which include Jerry Reid to lead DEP, Mike Sauschuck to lead DPS, Randy Liberty to lead DOC, Heather Johnson to lead DECD, Pender Makin to lead DOE, Laura Fortman to lead DOL, Jeanne Lambrew to lead DHHS, Kirsten Figueroa to lead DAFS, Judy Camuso to lead MDIFW and Bruce Van Note to lead MaineDOT.

Contact: Scott Ogden and Lindsay Crete