Governor Mills Congratulates President-Elect Biden & Vice President-Elect Harris

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement on the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States and Kamala Harris as Vice President of the United States:

“I congratulate President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris on their historic victory, and I look forward to working with their Administration to improve the lives of Maine people. There are challenging times ahead for our state and nation as we continue to battle this deadly pandemic, keep people healthy and alive, chart a course for economic recovery, and begin to heal the divisions in our nation. But I am confident that the President-elect and Vice President-elect will be partners in these efforts and champions for all Maine people in the White House. As we look forward during these trying times, let us remember that we are not simply Republicans or Democrats or Greens or Independents; we are Americans, united by our sacred freedoms and liberties and bonded by the desire to craft a more perfect union for our children and grandchildren. It is difficult but worthwhile work. Let us get to doing it.”