Governor-elect Mills Encourages Statewide Day of Service This Saturday

Augusta, MAINE – As a capstone to her inaugural week in office, Governor-elect Janet Mills is encouraging the people of Maine to participate in a statewide “Day of Service” this coming Saturday, January 5, 2019.

The Day of Service is intended to be a call to action to foster community and civic engagement as part of leading Maine in a new, better direction -- the promise of the Governor-elect’s campaign. As part of this effort, the Mills Transition Team has partnered with the Maine Commission of Community Service and various agencies and non-profits to identify specific projects and activities that volunteers can participate in across all sixteen counties.

“Services comes in many forms – whether running for office, stepping up to volunteer, or working for the public good,” said Governor-elect Mills. “This Saturday, I hope people across Maine will join me in coming together to demonstrate that we are willing to roll up sleeves and get to work in leading Maine in a new, better direction by engaging in community service projects that will make us a happier, healthier, more prosperous state for today and tomorrow.”

The Governor-elect will participate in a project that will be announced this coming Friday, January 4th. Mainers can visit to search for and sign up for community service projects and activities near them. Projects range from serving meals, to supporting food drives, to coaching youth basketball, to clearing snow, and installing fire detectors, among many other worthy activities. Events are being hosted in all sixteen counties.