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DHHS Recovery home > Stimulus Projects and Investment areas > Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Office: Office of Integrated Access and Support
Program: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Budget Estimate: $1,837,960
Federal Agency(s) Department of Agriculture


  • Benefit increase of 13.6% beginning on April 1, 2009.
  • The increase in the benefit will amount to a total increase for all recipients of approximately $5 million each month. The benefit for a family of four will increase starting April 1 to $668 per month.
  • Funds will be allocated as grants to states and will remain available until expended.
  • The estimated benefit to grocers and to the broader economy is $3-5 million every month.
  • It is anticipated that by FFY 2011 the food supplement increase will be attributable to the Federal Farm Bill and not the ARRA. USDA will track this information from the expenditures.


  • The total amount available to the States for administrative expenses is $145 million for FY 2009 and $150 million for FY 2010.
  • Maine will receive approximately $1.8 million dollars (over two years) to support the increased administrative costs of the program based on the anticipated rise in recipients. The amount is due to Maine’s excellent penetration rate. This will support up to 40 new limited period positions. We learned that that Maine will receive $914,245 for FY’09 in additional administrative support money. We expect a similar amount for FY’10.
  • These funds will be available not later than 60 days from the date of enactment (2/17/09).
  • Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) are no longer restricted to eligibility for only 90 days as long as they comply with any State requirements for work participation. This provision is in effect until October 1, 2010.
  • State funded food supplement will also need to increase by 13.6%. DHHS will be able to self-fund this increase by using encumbered but unexpended EBT contract funds.


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