Common Plantain—Plantago major

Serious weeds of turf, lawns, gardens and pastures, plantains crowd out desirable plants and reduce the vigor of those that survive.

plantain plant
Leaves grow in a cluster, or rosette, at ground level.

plantain leaf
Leaves are broad and oval with a waxy surface and several pronounced veins parallel to the margins.

plantain flower
Small white-petaled flowers are produced along the length of leafless stalks from June to September. Stalks grow 5 to 15 inches high.

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[Photos, left to right: Lynn Sosnoskie, University of Georgia,; Richard Old, XID Services, Inc.,; Richard Old, XID Services, Inc.,; Ohio State Weed Lab Archive, The Ohio State University,; Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis,; Richard Old, XID Services, Inc.,]