Common chickweed is an annual, while mouseear chickweed is a perennial herb. Both are spreading, mat-forming plants, found in lawns, turf, cultivated fields, roadsides, forests and gardens. Common chickweed can be a serious weed in small grains, but it is an important food for wildlife and is used in orchards and vineyards to control erosion and to maintain consistent soil temperatures.
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Common Chickweed—Stellaria media
Creeping stems root at the nodes. Lower leaves are on long petioles, while upper leaves are without petioles.>
Mouseear Chickweed—Cerastium vulgatum, Cerastium fontanum
Identification and Control Information
- Common Chickweed Fact Sheet with Description and Control Options (PDF) —Penn State Cooperative Extension
- Common Chickweed Fact Sheet with Description and Control Options (PDF) —United States Department of Agriculture
- Mouse-ear Chickweed Fact Sheet with Description and Control Options (PDF) —Penn State Cooperative Extension
More Information
- Weeds and Your Garden (PDF) —New York State IPM Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Weed Management in the Home Garden (PDF) —Iowa State University Extension
[Photos, left to right: Robert Vidéki, Doronicum Kft.,; Rebekah D. Wallace,; Theodore Webster, USDA Agricultural Research Service,; Theodore Webster, USDA Agricultural Research Service,; Theodore Webster, USDA Agricultural Research Service,; Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis,]