Home → Pests → Other Critters → Bats
Bats are beneficial mammals. They eat insects, pollinate plants and are an important part of the natural environment. Occasionally bats and humans come into conflict when bats choose to live in and around human homes. Bats can be infected with rabies and should never be touched.
**If you think that you or someone in your care has been bitten by a bat or been in contact with a bat, call the Maine Center for Disease Control (CDC) immediately at 800-821-5821.**
Companies in Maine that do bat proofing
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Identification and Control Information
- Maine Bat Information Sheet (PDF)— Maine Department of Agriculture
- Fact Sheet including Information about Capturing a Bat in Your Home (PDF)— Cornell Cooperative Extension, Wildlife Damage Management Program
- Bats: What You Should Know–Includes Information about Bat-proofing Your Home (PDF)— Rhode Island Department of Health & Department of Environmental Management
- Bats of New Jersey (PDF)— Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey
- Fact Sheet wih Interesting Information about Bats (PDF)— West Virginia University Extension Service
- Bats— Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
- Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage: Bats (PDF)— Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management
More Information
- Maine Public Health Fact Sheet: Bat Encounters (PDF)— Maine Center For Disease Control and Prevention
- Bats and Rabies: A Public Health Guide (PDF)— Department of Health and Human Services
- Got Bugs? Get Bats! (PDF) (includes instructions for building bat houses)— University of Maryland Cooperative Extension
- Bat Conservation International
- White Nose Syndrome— Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
- Learn more about White-Nose Syndrome— White-Nose Syndromw Response Team
Help Getting Rid of Bats
There are a number of companies and individuals in Maine who do bat proofing work. Several of these are listed below. The Maine Board of Pesticides Control does not recommend these above any others. They responded to a letter asking if they wanted to be listed. Others wanting to be listed should contact the Board. (updated June 2014)
Company Name | Address | Phone Number | Email/Web Page | Area Served |
A&D Construction Plus, Inc | 9 South Reynolds Rd, Winslow 04901 | 207-314-0969 | adconstructionplus@gmail.com | statewide |
Advantage Pest Control, Inc | PO Box 6335 Scarborough 04070 |
888-737-2979 207-774-0457 |
Statewide | |
Animal Damage Control | PO Box 82 North Hampton, NH 03862 |
866-926-9363 | York, Cumberland, Oxford, Androscoggin, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Kennebec |
Benson Pest Managment | PO Box 521 Milford 04461 |
207-827-4961 207-478-2362 |
pbktim@aol.com | Bangor, Ellsworth area, Lincoln area |
Bug Busterzzz | 791 Main St. Vassalboro 04989 |
207-649-1596 | Statewide | |
Bug-Off Pest Control | 125 Hillside Ave S Portland, ME 04106 |
207-415-5772 | jcoyne9@maine.rr.com | Cumberland, Oxford, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset and York counties |
Colonial Pest Control, Inc. | 155 Fleet St. Portsmouth, NH 03801 |
603-436-6000 800-525-8084 |
www.colonialpest.com | York County |
Complete Pest Solutions, LLC | 60 Range Rd Cumberland, ME 04021 |
207-615-3208 |
completepestsolutions1@gmail.com | Statewide |
Critter Catcher | 207-594-2112 |
www.crittercatcher.org | Knox, Lincoln, Kennebec, Waldo counties and the islands off the Mid-Maine coast |
Dependable Pest Solutions | Rochester NH | 603-436-1181 | Buglady@metrocast.net | Cape Neddick, York, Berwicks, Kittery, Eliot, Lebanon |
JC Ehrlich |
PO Box F Kennebunkport 04046 |
800-439-7716 | Statewide | |
Liberty Pest Control | 1015 West Rd |
207-247-7616 | info@liberty-pest-control.com | York and Cumberland Counties |
Maine Bat Control, llc |
Rangeley |
207-491-6961 | www.mainebat.com | Statewide |
Maine Pest & Turf Corporation | PO Box 1003 Naples 04055 |
207-693-6131 | mainepestandturf@fairpoint.net | Statewide |
Maine Wildlife Exclusion Services | Winterport |
207-852-2559 | www.heritagefarmmaine.com/Wildlife | Waldo, Hancock, Penobscot counties and surrounding areas |
Modern Pest Services Wildlife Control | 100 Pleasant St Brunswick 04011 |
800-323-7378 |
Statewide | |
Northern Maine Pest Control | PO Box 52 Benedicta 04733 |
207-694-6341 |
Southern Aroostook and northern Penobscot counties | |
Pest Pro Exterminating Co., Inc. | 112 Mt. Vista Dr. Sidney 04330 |
888-677-5656 207-242-9014 |
Central and Southern Maine | |
Pine State Pest Solutions | P O Box 1480 546 Poland Rd Auburn, ME 04210 |
207-795-1100 | parker@mainepest.com www.mainepest.com |
Androscoggin, Cumberland, Franklin, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Oxford, Penobscot, Sagadahoc, Waldo and York counties |
[Photos, left to right: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Don Pfitzer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]