Maine Motor Vehicle Franchise Board
November 28, 2016

On the parties' appeal of the Board decision in MMVFB 13-01, the Business and Consumer Court REMANDED the matter to the Board on June 27, 2016.

Following Conferences of Counsel, the Franchise Board met in the Executive Conference Room of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles at 9 am on November 28, 2016, to hear the arguments of counsel on the issue remanded to it by the Court:  the level of the Civil Penalties to be imposed on Chrysler for the four violations found by the Court. The following Franchise Board attended: 

Public Members Jill Goodwin of Belfast, and William Dowling of Augusta, Dealer Members Donald Lee of Cumberland, William Sowles of Yarmouth, and Charles Gaunce of Waterville, and Manufacturer Member John Knight of Wilton. Franchise Board voted to impose a ten thousand dollar Civil Penalty for each of the four violations. An ORDER on REMAND issued on December 9, and was CORRECTED on December 16, 2016. Here is the Corrected 13-01 Remand Order