Current Residential Energy Pricing Index

Below is a summary of energy prices for residential customers in Maine for the month of February 2025. This information has been compiled from various sources including the Maine PUC, Governor’s Energy Office, and the public utilities operating in Maine, along with Competitive Electricity Providers that provide pricing information to the Office of the Public Advocate. OPA does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. For any questions regarding data sources please reach out to

Residential Electricity Prices
  Feb-25 Previous Month Same Month Prior Year
Standard Offer Rate      
CMP 10.61 ¢/kWh 10.61 ¢/kWh 10.84 ¢/kWh
Versant - Bangor Hydro District 10.56 ¢/kWh 10.56 ¢/kWh 10.76 ¢/kWh
Versant - Maine Public District 11.65 ¢/kWh 11.65 ¢/kWh 11.29 ¢/kWh
CEP Supply Rates1      
Current Lowest Offer Available to CMP Customers 10.60 ¢/kWh 10.61 ¢/kWh 9.89 ¢/kWh
  Think Energy, 9m CN Brown, 11m Major Energy, 8m
Current Lowest Offer Available to Versant Customers 10.60 ¢/kWh 10.61 ¢/kWh 9.85 ¢/kWh
  Think Energy, 9m CN Brown, 11m Major Energy, 8m
Delivery Rates      
CMP Minimum Customer Charge (up to 50 kWh) $27.37 $27.37 $21.55
CMP Total Delivery Rate 12.80 ¢/kWh 12.80 ¢/kWh 8.57 ¢/kWh
Transmission 4.80 ¢/kWh 4.80 ¢/kWh 3.19 ¢/kWh
Distribution 7.60 ¢/kWh 7.60 ¢/kWh 4.35 ¢/kWh
Stranded Cost 0.40 ¢/kWh 0.40 ¢/kWh 1.03 ¢/kWh
Versant Bangor Hydro District Minimum Customer Charge (up to 100 kWh) $21.17 $21.17 $11.64
Versant Bangor Hydro District Total Delivery Rate 15.65 ¢/kWh 15.65 ¢/kWh 16.49 ¢/kWh
Transmission 5.65 ¢/kWh 5.65 ¢/kWh 4.54 ¢/kWh
Distribution 10.17 ¢/kWh 10.17 ¢/kWh 9.78 ¢/kWh
Stranded Cost (0.17) ¢/kWh (0.17) ¢/kWh 2.17 ¢/kWh
Versant Maine Public District Minimum Customer Charge (up to 100 kWh) $23.19 $23.19 $10.78
Versant Maine Public District Total Delivery Rate 12.44 ¢/kWh 12.44 ¢/kWh 13.69 ¢/kWh
Transmission 2.46 ¢/kWh 2.46 ¢/kWh 2.60 ¢/kWh
Distribution 9.98 ¢/kWh 9.98 ¢/kWh 9.59 ¢/kWh
Stranded Cost 0.00 ¢/kWh 0.00 ¢/kWh 1.50 ¢/kWh
Monthly Cost for Residential Consumer (550 kWh/month usage) Current Monthly Bill Previous Month Bill Variance to Current Same Month Prior Year Bill Variance to Current
Standard Offer          
CMP Customer $149.73 $149.73 $0.00 $124.02 ($25.71)
Versant Bangor Hydro District Customer $155.80 $155.80 $0.00 $150.21 ($5.59)
Versant Maine Public District Customer $146.35 $146.35 $0.00 $137.72 ($8.62)
  Current Monthly Bill Variance to Standard Offer Previous Month Bill Variance to Standard Offer Same Month Prior Year Bill Variance to Standard Offer
Current Lowest CEP Offer            
CMP Customer $149.67 ($0.05) $149.73 $0.00 $118.80 ($5.22)
Versant - Bangor Hydro District Customer $156.02 $0.22 $156.07 $0.27 $145.20 ($5.01)
1 CEP information is based on what is reported to the OPA for pricing and does not encompass every available CEP rate.
Natural Gas
  Feb-25 Previous Month Same Month Prior Year
Wholesale Price        
Henry Hub Spot Price ($/MMBtu) $3.30 $4.13 $1.72

Monthly Cost for Residential Consumer (Average Use of 149 Therms in February)

Current Monthly Bill % Change From Previous Month  Previous Month Bill (Average Use of 151 Therms) Same Month Prior Year Bill
Bangor Natural Gas $252.59 19% $212.53 $198.15
Maine Natural Gas Augusta $352.20 -4% $368.02 $329.81
Maine Natural Gas Non-Augusta $276.86 -5% $291.52 $272.67
Northern Utilities $219.58 -1% $222.37 $225.01
Summit Natural Gas $393.45 -1% $396.20 $353.96
Residential Heating Fuel Prices
           Feb-25              Previous Month         Same Month Prior Year    
Average Price per Gallon Delivered      
Heating Oil $3.74 $3.64 $3.97
Kerosene $4.57 $4.44 $4.89
Propane $3.50 $3.44 $3.35