2nd Session Testimony
- L.D. 589 (PDF) - Resolve, Directing the Public Utilities Commission to Ensure That the Maine Electric Grid Provides Additional Benefits to Maine Ratepayer
- L.D. 1465 (PDF) - An Act to Amend the Calculation of Tariff Rates and Billing Credits Under Net Energy Billing
- L.D. 1962 (PDF) - An Act to Limit Utility Shut-offs
- L.D. 1963 (PDF) - An Act Regarding the Future of Renewable Energy Transmission in Northern Maine
- L.D. 2027 (PDF) - An Act to Clarify the Property Tax Exemption for Air Pollution Control Facilities
- L.D. 2067 (PDF) - An Act to Make Permanent the Arrearage Management Program for Low-Income Residential Electricity Customers
- L.D. 2077 (PDF) - An Act Regarding Customer Costs and the Environmental and Health Effects of Natural Gas
- L.D. 2087 (PDF) - An Act to Protect Property Owners by Preventing the Use of Eminent Domain to Build Transmission Lines Under the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program
- L.D. 2099 (PDF) - An Act to Make Changes to Certain Laws Governing Renewable Energy Projects
- L.D. 2132 (PDF) - An Act to Clarify the Right to Appeal Certain Public Utilities Commission Decisions
- L.D. 2143 (PDF) - An Act to Dedicate the Revenue from the Sales Tax on Electricity to Low-Income Ratepayer Assistance
- L.D. 2163 (PDF) - An Act to Require Electricity Providers to Inform Customers of Alternative Electric Rates and Gather Consent Prior to Contract Renewal
- L.D. 2172 (PDF) - An Act to Enhance Electric Utility Performance-based Ratemaking
- L.D. 2205 (PDF) - Resolve, to Require the Public Utilities Commission to Initiate a Feasibility Study to Evaluate Transmission Technologies and Siting Locations for Any Future Electric Transmission Line Proposed Pursuant to the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program
1st Session Testimony
- L.D. 3 (PDF) - An Act to Establish the Winter Energy Relief Payment Program to Aid Residents with High Heating Costs and to Finalize the COVID Pandemic Relief Payment Program
- L.D. 69 (PDF) - An Act to Improve Electrical Supply Cost Transparency
- L.D. 177 (PDF) - An Act to Amend the Authority of the Public Utilities Commission Regarding Special Rate Contracts
- L.D. 211 (PDF) - An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Water Supply Protection Funds
- L.D. 327 (PDF) - An Act to Provide Maine Ratepayers with Equitable Access to Interconnection of Distributed Energy Resources
- L.D. 376 (PDF) - An Act to Repeal the Law Regarding the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program
- L.D. 395 (PDF) - An Act to Expand Funding Sources Within the Public Utilities Commission for Intervenor Funding
- L.D. 399 (PDF) - An Act to Amend the Portfolio Requirements for Class II Resources
- L.D. 414 (PDF) - An Act to Clarify the Provision of Notice of Proposed Rate Increases to Public Utility Customers
Attachment (PDF) - L.D. 417 (PDF) - An Act to Facilitate Net Energy Billing
- L.D. 442 (PDF) - An Act Regarding Renewable Energy Projects
- L.D. 509 (PDF) - An Act to Amend the Net Energy Billing Laws to Require Net Energy Billing Credits to be Nonlapsing
- L.D. 542 (PDF) - An Act to Comprehensively and Equitably Reform Electricity Rates
- L.D. 698 (PDF) - An Act Directing the Public Utilities Commission to Study the State Natural Gas Supply Pursuant to the Maine Energy Cost Reduction Act
- L.D. 923 (PDF) - An Act to Improve Disclosure of Present and Future Costs to Maine Electricity Consumers
- L.D. 924 (PDF) - Resolve, to Provide Legislative Approval of Northern Maine Transmission Infrastructure
- L.D. 952 (PDF) - Resolve, To Create a 21st-Century Electric Grid
- L.D. 987 (PDF) - An Act to Promote Electricity Price Stability for Standard-offer Service
- L.D. 1065 (PDF) - An Act to Improve the Telecommunications Relay Services Council by Reducing Its Membership and Allowing for the Hiring of an Executive Director
- L.D.1175 (PDF) - An Act to Provide for the Review and Uniform Application of All Transmission and Distribution Utility Rates
- L.D. 1223 (PDF) - An Act to Clarify Cost Allocations and Insurance in the Joint Use of Public
Utility Equipment - L.D. 1232 (PDF) - An Act to Increase Adoption of Solar Power in Maine
- L.D. 1347 (PDF) - An Act to Eliminate the Current Net Energy Billing Policy in Maine
- L.D. 1427 (PDF) - An Act to Clarify the Public Utilities Commission's Authority to Consider the Impact on Low-income Residential Ratepayers When Setting Rates
- L.D. 1431 (PDF) - An Act Requiring the Public Utilities Commission to Adopt Rules Promoting Renewable Energy
- L.D. 1437 (PDF) - An Act to Address Poverty by Increasing Access to Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Programs
- L.D. 1452 (PDF) - An Act to Require the Commissioners of the Public Utilities Commission to Be Popularly Elected
- L.D. 1531 (PDF) - Resolve, to Implement a 4-year Moratorium on Solar Energy Subsidies and Direct the Department of Environmental Protection to Study the Economic Impact of Industrial Solar Energy Projects
- L.D. 1591 (PDF) - An Act to Promote Economic Reuse of Contaminated Land Through Clean Energy Development
- L.D. 1611 (PDF) - An Act to Create the Pine Tree Power Company, a Nonprofit, Customer-owned Utility
- L.D. 1623 (PDF) - An Act to Prohibit All State Subsidies for Electric Vehicles
- L.D. 1654 (PDF) - An Act to Extend the Time for Certain Public Utilities Commission Proceedings
- L.D. 1724 (PDF) - An Act to Enact the Beneficial Electrification Policy Act
- L.D. 1727 (PDF) - An Act to Protect Northern Maine Standard-offer Ratepayers
- L.D. 1775 (PDF) - An Act to Establish a Clean Hydrogen Pilot Program
- L.D. 1778 (PDF) - An Act to Ensure a Sustainable Electric Grid
- L.D. 1791 (PDF) - An Act to Make the ConnectMaine Authority Responsible for Attachments to and Joint Use of Utility Poles and to Establish Procedures for Broadband Service Infrastructure Crossing Railroad Tracks
- L.D. 1830 (PDF) - An Act to Advance Maine's Clean Energy Goals
- L.D. 1850 (PDF) - An Act Relating to Energy Storage and the State's Energy Goals
- L.D. 1887 (PDF) - An Act to Clarify the Review and Procurement Process for Nonwires Alternatives
- L.D. 1888 (PDF) - An Act to Reduce Electricity Costs for Maine's Consumers and Businesses by Amending the Laws Governing Renewable Resources
- L.D. 1895 (PDF) - An Act Regarding the Procurement of Energy from Offshore Wind Resources
- L.D. 1943 (PDF) - An Act Regarding Future Energy Procurements for Renewable Energy Development in Northern Maine
- L.D. 1971 (PDF) - Resolve, to Ensure that Eligible Customers Receive Payments from the Energy Rate Relief Fund
Committee Presentations
- Office of the Public Advocate Introductory Presentation - February 11, 2021
- Office of the Public Advocate Report: Low-Income Energy Burden Study - December 1, 2021
The Office of the Public Advocate Annual Report is located here.
- An Overview of Statewide Water Affordability - January 2024 - PDF
- Reducing the Cost of Solar Energy in Maine - March 2024 - PDF
- Report on Assessments by the Office of the Public Advocate on Investor Owned and Consumer-Owned Utilities - January 13, 2022 - PDF
- 2019 Program Evaluation Report of the Office of the Public Advocate
- Maine Low-Income Energy Burden Study (2019)
- Maine Low-Income Household Energy Efficiency Baseline Study (2018)
- A Ratepayer Focused Strategy for Distributed Solar in Maine (August 2015)
- Cellular Voice Coverage in Rural Maine - An analysis of call performance and signal strength in the Bingham, Greenville, Jackman, Rangeley and Sedgwick telephone exchanges. (February 2015)
- Tribal Collaboration Report (updated Dec 2024) (PDF)
- Retail Electricity Supply Report (PDF)