The State of Maine is divided into four EMS regions. Each region has a regional office and regional medical director.
Regional Medical Director
Each region has a medical director and the option of an associate medical director. The regional medical director serves on the Maine EMS Medical Direction & Practices Board and is instrumental in the quality improvement and educational efforts within each region.
Regional Offices
Each region has a regional council that develops a work plan to provide details on how they will provide the annual goals established by the Board of EMS. Current workplans include:
- Medical Control Training and Direction
- Quality Improvement
- Training Coordination
- Regional Councils
- Public Information, Education, and Relations
- Attendance and Participation at Maine EMS Meetings
- Other Projects
Region 1: Cumberland and York
Contact Maine EMS
Regional Medical Director: Kelly Meehan-Coussee, MD
Region 2: Androscoggin, Franklin, Kennebec, Oxford, Sagadahoc, and Somerset
Contact Maine EMS
Regional Medical Director: Seth Ritter, MD, Tim Pieh, MD
Region 3: Hancock, Knox, Lincoln, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Waldo, and Washington
Contact Maine EMS
Regional Medical Director: David Saquet, DO, Benjy Lowry, MD
Region 4: Aroostook
Contact Maine EMS
Regional Medical Director: Beth Collamore, MD