CEH Resources

Licensing Information (new, renewal, expired) can be found by visiting the license information web page

To access a listing of upcoming EMS CEH courses, click here or log into your eLicensing account. On the left column, click on Training to see current courses offered throughout the state. Adjust the start date to indicate the current date and then you be able to view current classes. Click on the start date to review the details of the course and info on how to contact the course instructor/sponsor to sign up to attend the class. Maine EMS cannot sign you up or register you to attend, this MUST be done through the course instructor/sponsor.

While information presented in the calendar is intended to provide an accurate description of a particular educational or training program, the actual course or program offering may differ from the description included in the calendar.  Maine EMS will only accept certifications and continuing education hours based upon official course or CEH approval documents.   It is important that you check with the program sponsor or instructor prior to attending and your participation should you have questions about the program’s content, certification or continuing education hours awarded. 

Maine EMS licensed training centers are also a great source of upcoming trainings, or even to suggest/request trainings.  A list of current Training Centers and contact information can be found here.

In addition to training above, education and training opportunities for Emergency Medical Dispatchers may be found on the Emergency Services Communications Bureau Training Schedule.

CEH for Maine EMS Relicensure

To Apply For A Maine CEH Course

CEH Sources

Maine EMS Approved Courses

  • EMS CEH Courses approved by Maine EMS, a Maine EMS approved training center, or a Maine EMS regional office must meet the criteria in Maine EMS Rules, Chapter 8 §2. EMS Continuing Education.
  • Programs will be entered by the course instructor or coordinator into the individuals Maine EMS eLicensing account. 
  • If you are nationally registered and wish to use the CEH credits for your NREMT certification, you will need to manually enter these credits into your individual NREMT account.
  • If they are not visible in your EMS eLicensing account, please contact the course instructor or coordinator, and if unresolved, contact our Licensing Team.

CAPCE Approved Courses

  • Maine has pre-approved all CAPCE accredited EMS courses, and can be applied to your Maine EMS CEH requirements. Find CAPCE Courses Here
  • Do not apply for CEH credit in eLicensing - certificates and information must be uploaded by the individual into their Maine eLicensing system or into their individual NREMT account if using NREMT for renewal. 
  • Address any questions to our Licensing Team.

Standardized Courses

  • Maine EMS has pre-approved a number of standardized courses and can be viewed at CEH - Standardized CEH Programs List (PDF) (3/19/24).
  • Certificates and information must be uploaded by the individual into their Maine eLicensing system or into their individual NREMT account if using NREMT for renewal. 
  • Do not apply for a CEH request for pre-approved standardized classes - each attendee must upload their individual completion certificates to their eLicensing account..
  • A standardized course MUST be valid on the date you renew your EMS license for the CEH hours to count. 
  • You can distribute the approved hours as allowed and described in the document CEH - Standardized CEH Programs List (PDF) (3/19/24)
  • CEH - Standardized CEH Request Form (PDF) - Do not use for individual CEH classes, CAPCE, or out of state approved courses.
  • Address any questions to our Licensing Team.

College Courses

Time in a Maine EMS LIcensure Class

Out of State Courses

  • Maine EMS accepts CEH hours approved by all 50 States and the District of Columbia, when approved by the respective state EMS office. Courses must meet the criteria in Maine EMS Rules, Chapter 8 §2. EMS Continuing Education Programs
  • The sponsor must apply before the program is to begin. Only under unusual circumstances, such as those set forth in Chapter 13 of these Rules, may continuing education hour courses be approved after they have occurred;
  • The topics to be taught must be relevant to EMS;
  • The instructor must be qualified by knowledge and/or training in the topic area;
  • The sponsor must make known to the students those requirements the students must meet in order to receive attendance certification;
  • Completion certificates must include the course name, course sponsor, instructor, date of completion, approval authority, any approval number issued, and hours awarded (and it is helpful to follow the NREMT NCCP categories for ease of entering information). 
  • Certificates and information must be uploaded by the individual into their Maine eLicensing system or into their individual NREMT account if using NREMT for renewal.  Address any questions to our Licensing Team.

Professional Journals and Online Learning

  • Maine EMS may grant continuing education hours for programs offered through professional journals, audio and visual media, teleconferencing, and other forms of online distributive learning, or for other educational programs when requested by the applicant.
  • If the course was approved by CAPCE, see the section above on adding CAPCE approved courses.
  • If not CAPCE approved, and for Maine EMS to consider granting CEH approval the applicant must submit to Maine EMS:
    • An outline and description of the program, to include program handouts;
    • The name and address of the program sponsor;
    • The names of any EMS agencies granting the program continuing education hours;
    • A contact name and telephone number for attendance verification;
    • A program completion certificate, or equivalent; and
    • Proof, if the program was not supervised, that the program required, and the applicant successfully completed, a knowledge test in order to receive a program completion certificate.

Out of Country and Military Courses

  • CEH courses from outside of the US or through the US Military should be discussed with our Licensing Team.


 Standardized CEH Courses

CEH Resources for Maine EMS Service Administrators

NREMT CEH Resources

  • Maine EMS CEHs are accepted by NREMT
  • NREMT certification is required for all new EMS license applications (but not necessarily reciprocity from other states, please visit our Reciprocity page for more info)
  • NREMT is not required to maintain an existing Maine EMS license (but we encourage it!).  You can renew your Maine EMS license with a valid NREMT card by submitting it with your renewal form.  No other CEH is required.
  • If you are from out of state and need a PSE for an EMR or EMT class - Maine requires you to complete the skills test in the state where you took your course, and this cannot be done in Maine.
  • NREMT Website
  • NCCP Standardized Course CEH Distribution Matrix (PDF) (12/3/2020)