Medical Direction & Practices Board

Looking for Protocol Information?

Maine EMS implemented new statewide EMS protocols that went into effect on January 31, 2024, Visit the Protocol Page for more information and resources.

Membership and Meetings

The Medical Direction and Practices Board (MDPB) consists of the state EMS medical director, the associate state medical director, six regional medical directors, a pharmacist/toxicologist, a pediatric physician, a Maine licensed ALS provider, a Maine licensed BLS provider and a representative of the Maine Chapter of the American College of Emergency Medicine (ACEP). The MDPB meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 AM.

All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of those portions that may be conducted in executive session in accordance with Maine Law 32 M.R.S.A. § 90-A(3) and 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(E) & (F)

All meetings are held at Maine EMS, 45 Commerce Drive, Suite 1, Augusta, ME 04333.  Meetings are typically held in the Champlain conference room.  Directions are located here.


A variety of resources related to Maine EMS Protocols, white papers and other documents can be found here.

Clinical & Operational Bulletins can be found here.

Medical Direction & Practices Board Members.

The Chair of the MDPB is Dr. Matthew Sholl.

Name Position Represented
J. Matthew Sholl, MD State EMS Medical Director
Kate Zimmerman, DO Associate State EMS Medical Director
Kelly Meehan-Coussee, MD Southern Maine Region 1 (Region 1)
Seth Ritter, MD Tri-County Region (Region 2)
Tim Pieh, MD Kennebec Valley Region (Region 3)
David Saquet, DO Northeastern Maine Region (Region 4)
Beth Collamore, MD Aroostook Region (Region 5)
Benjy Lowry, MD Midcoast Region (Region 6)
Pete Tilney, DO At-Large
Bethany Nash, PharmD Pharmacist or Toxicologist
Colin Ayer, Paramedic ALS Provider (Paramedic)
Emily Bryant, PharmD, AEMT BLS Provider (EMR, EMT, or AEMT)
Rachel Williams, MD Pediatric Physician
Vacant American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
Support Staff  
Marc Minkler Maine EMS