Maine EMS is a bureau within the Department of Public Safety. The Maine EMS system includes; the Board of EMS, the Maine EMS staff, and the Medical Direction and Practice Board. Additionally, Maine EMS works with regional advisory committees in the four defined Maine EMS regions, to help oversee training, quality assurance, medical direction, and EMS system operations.
The Board of EMS members are appointed by the Governor and serve three year terms. The Board is responsible for promulgating the EMS Rules and monitoring the EMS system.
The Maine EMS Director is hired by the Board with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Maine EMS staff are responsible for the carrying out the delegated functions of the Board and managing the daily operations such as licensing, inspecting, and investigations.
The State of Maine is divided into 4 EMS regions, overseen by a regional manager within the Bureau of EMS.
The Medical Direction and Practice Board (MDPB) consists of the six regional medical directors, a representative of the Maine Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), a pharmacist or toxicologist, a pediatric medical director, a Maine licensed ALS EMS provider, and a Maine licensed BLS EMS provider, the state EMS associate medical director and the state EMS medical director. The MDPB is responsible for promulgating the EMS treatment protocols and for matters relating to the care delivered by EMS providers.