Maine is constantly working to streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting for adult education programs in order to make data-based decisions regarding program improvement while ensuring all identifiable student-level data is protected. The following tools are part of our continued quest to better serve our learners.
MaineSTARS: Secure Transparent AdultEd Reporting
MaineSTARS is the Maine Adult Education system's data reporting system. Staff and administrators are able to access MaineSTARS in any web browser.
- MaineSTARS Login. Enter the MaineSTARS database.
- MaineSTARS Intake Form - Paper version of MaineSTARS intake criteria to be completed by staff through an interview with the prospective student. The form is currently under revision.
- Program Standards & Performance Indicators. Performance indicators are available; however, the program standards are in the process of being revised. Revisions will be posted when completed.
MaineSTARS must be used in conjunction with data entry forms to ensure uniformity of data across the state. Program directors and all staff who are involved in the intake/enrollment and data entry processes should be familiar with and adhere to the definitions for each field and value in MaineSTARS.