Maine School Safety & Transportation Conference

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Please consider joining the Maine Department of Education (DOE) Maine School Safety Center for the first School Safety & Transportation Conference from March 10-12, 2025 at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine. 

This event will bring together Maine educators, transportation professionals, safety experts, and policymakers to discuss and explore innovative strategies, best practices, and emerging technologies to improve school safety and transportation systems in Maine. 

Registration is now closed for the conference. We can't wait to see you March 10th - 12th! 
Registration & lodging confirmation will be sent out on February 3rd. Questions can be directed to


Maine School Safety Agenda at a Glance

Monday, March 10, 2025

Registration check in 3-5pm, Welcome Reception at 6pm

Tuesday, March 11th, 2025


Date & Time Presentation Presenter Description
08:00-10:15 General Session The MSSC  
10:30-11:45 Drug and Alcohol Supervisor Training (part 1) Randy DeVault The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations mandate that all drivers required to have a commercial driver’s license be part of an alcohol and drug testing program. Further, that supervisors must be trained to identify the physical, behavioral, speech and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and use of controlled substances.
10:30-11:45 Behavioral Threat Assessment Management (BTAM) in K-12
James Babcock Psy.D. Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management is a proven violence prevention strategy that utilizes a collaborative multidisciplinary approach to identify, assess, and intervene with students who may be on the pathway to violence. Learn more about how the Department of Education’s Maine School Safety Center can assist schools with training and technical support to utilize this violence prevention model that focuses on early identification and intervention to support students in need.
10:30-11:45 Fusion Center Overview for School Staff MIAC Join the Maine Information and Analysis Center (MIAC) for an Overview of the Fusion Center and look at Maine school threat trends. This presentation will be geared towards School Staff and how they can collaborate with MIAC.
10:30-11:45 Reading Red Flags: Helping Students Avoid Exploitation Lisa Thurau In today’s world, students are increasingly isolated and living online, making them vulnerable to various forms of cyber exploitation. This is due, in part, to the unprecedented access youth have to online platforms, the stark consequences of risky, albeit, developmentally normative behaviors, and the increase in youth mental health issues that exacerbate their vulnerabilities. According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, between 2021 and 2022, there was an 82% increase in online enticement of minors. Join Strategies for Youth, to learn about a new educational tool that schools can seamlessly implement into their curriculum, to empower youth with knowledge about the manipulations and red flags associated with grooming and help them guard against exploitation. Using a gameshow-style format, educators and staff can engage youth in often hard to broach topics related to internet safety, boundaries, and healthy peer relationships. 
10:30-11:45 Creating a Culture of Care in Schools using Restorative Practices Stacey Barlow

This workshop will focus on the ways that Restorative Practices help create a sense of safety and mattering build relationships amongst staff members, between staff and students, and between students, creating an inclusive, equitable culture where all feel safe and like they matter. We will explore how Restorative Practices offer both prevention and response for wrongdoing, while helping students and staff to be accountable for their choices and repair harm when it does occur. We will also discuss the components of Creating a Culture of Care in Schools Using Restorative Practices and how to register your school for this training.

The Maine School Safety Center (MSSC) is offering a free, comprehensive whole staff Restorative Practices (RP) training for all schools. Twenty Pre-k through 12 schools have implemented this training during the 23-24 school year, and our calendar is now open for schools who would like to add this training to the support they offer their teachers in the coming academic school year.

10:30-11:45 Crisis De-escalation in School Settings Erin Frazier

This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of strategies and best practices for crisis de-escalation within school environments. Participants, including educators, administrators, and school resource officers (SROs), explore various techniques to address and mitigate conflicts and emergencies in a school setting effectively. Key topics covered include understanding the crisis cycle, de-escalation techniques, and the role of the school personnel in fostering a safe and supportive school environment. 

12:45-2:00 Drug and Alcohol Supervisor Training (part 2) Randy DeVault The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations mandate that all drivers required to have a commercial driver’s license be part of an alcohol and drug testing program. Further, that supervisors must be trained to identify the physical, behavioral, speech and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and use of controlled substances.
2:15-3:30 School Safety, Security and Emergency Management: The School Nurse's role Brittany Layman This session will discuss how school nurses are integral members of the school community and play a necessary role in school safety and security. It will show how school nurses can create a sense of belonging and how that role, as a trusted adult, creates a culture of safety.
12:45-2:00 Drug identification trends for schools Norway Police Department

Discuss current drug trends, familiarize with what they look like and examples of concealment 


Understanding FERPA for School Safety

Leigh Lardieri

In today's educational landscape, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) plays a crucial role in protecting student privacy. Our workshop on FERPA aims to equip school personnel with the knowledge and tools to navigate these regulations effectively, ensuring that they can uphold student rights while maintaining a safe school environment. The workshop will provide an understanding of FERPA in order to balance student privacy with the need to ensure school safety.

12:45-2:00 Bomb Threat Assessment for Decision Makers CISA Provides the participants foundational knowledge on the assessment and evaluation of bomb threats and related responses and considerations. This course introduces types of threats, the threat assessment process, and the implementation of a Bomb Threat Management (BTM) plan.
12:45-3:30 U.S. Secret Service Research and Recommendations on the Prevention of Targeted School Violence Carrie Moran- U.S. Secret Service For over 20 years, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) has conducted research on the thinking and behaviors of those who commit acts of targeted school violence, in an effort to prevent future tragedies. Key findings from this research indicate that establishing multidisciplinary behavioral threat assessment teams and encouraging the reporting of concerning behaviors are critical steps in the prevention of targeted violence. This presentation will explore relevant past incidents, as well as findings and recommendations from NTAC’s latest research on targeted school violence and averted school attacks in the United States.  It will also focus on how communities can use a multidisciplinary approach to identify, assess, and intervene with students exhibiting concerning or threatening behaviors as early as possible. 
2:15-3:30 Security At First Entry (SAFE) assessment  Talis Jordan- CISA, Tim MacArthur- MEMA DHS/CISA non-regulatory, confidential physical security assessment and resources for schools to proactively self-assess critical sectors 
2:15-3:30 Emotional Intelligence- The What, Why and How of Emotional Regulation Kellie Bailey Join Kellie Doyle Bailey EI Specialist as she shares the fundamental aspects of emotional regulation of adults and the transference to helping dysregulated youth co-regulate. This session will be experiential in nature so participants are invited to come with curiosity and interest in the " What, Why and How" the human nervous systems either react or respond to cues of safety and cues of threat. Kellie will offer strategies and technics for everyone to use for increasing self awareness, understanding the window of tolerance for stress and rest, as well as helping with de-escalation of reactive behaviors. This presentation is rooted in mind, brain and relational sciences. 
2:15-3:30 Train the Trainer-Bus Evacuation/ Pre/Post Trip School Bus Inspection Rich Jandreau This session focusing on school bus evacuation and pre-trip and post-trip procedures. This training is essential, as school bus drivers require yearly updates to ensure compliance and safety. It reinforces the importance of not assuming drivers are already familiar with these critical processes. Regular training helps maintain high safety standards and readiness.

Supporting Students and Staff Through Implementation of the Dangerous Student Behavior Prevention and Intervention Law


Designed to create safer learning environments for both students and staff, Maine’s Dangerous Behavior Prevention and Intervention Law outlines clear procedures for addressing dangerous incidents in schools. This session will provide an overview of the unified guidance developed by Maine Education Association, Maine School Boards Association, Maine School Superintendents Association, Maine Principals Association, and Maine Administrators of Services for Children with Disabilities, to ensure effective implementation of the law. Participants will understand the protections the law offers and explore the necessary protocols that labor-management teams should establish. Additionally, attendees will be guided through the reporting, review, and individualized planning processes to ensure proper response and intervention in such incidents. 

3:45-5:00 Response to Suspicious Behaviors and Items   Provides an overview of appropriate responses to suspicious behaviors and items by differentiating normal and abnormal behaviors and highlighting appropriate responses to potential terrorist or criminal activity. It also discusses the differences between unattended and suspicious items, and the responses for each situation.
3:45-5:00 MSAD 6 Presents - Pre-Trip Yourself, The What, Why, and How Mitzi Smith, Kellie Bailey MSAD 6 Bonny Eagle Transportation Team and Maine DOE SEL Specialist Kellie Doyle Bailey as they share their collaboration with cultivating Emotional Intelligence to improve student safety, connection and belonging. This panel of MSAD 6 Drivers, Monitors and Administrative Team will share the work they have done as a transportation team to cultivate the 5 Foundational Areas of Emotional Intelligence into their everyday lives with the purpose of developing a greater sense of connection to self and others - especially youth. Participants are encouraged to attend with curiosity and interest and bring questions for the panel. 
3:45-5:00 Transportation Director 101 Cheryl Brackett

This session is designed for new transportation directors or superintendents seeking to understand the key aspects of supervising staff and managing a school bus fleet. The session will cover:

  • Relevant laws governing school transportation.
  • Routine training requirements for staff.
  • Best practices for effective fleet and personnel management.

This session is an essential resource for ensuring successful leadership in school transportation operations.


Restorative Behavioral Response on the Bus

Stacey Barlow

Learn how Restorative Practices can help drivers build better relationships with students, set expectations for riding on the bus that everyone understands, communicate with school administrators, and respond to unwanted behavior in a way that keeps everybody safe.


Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

Date & Time Presentation Presenter Description
08:00-9:15 U.S. Attorney for state of Maine & Online Safety and Outreach Resources to Combat Online Child Exploitation   Current trends in the online exploitation of children and teenagers will be discussed along with ongoing efforts and resources that can be utilized to educate students for better awareness. 
09:30-10:30 CDL Information Session Beth Kohler & Cheryl Brackett

Join Beth Kohler from the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Cheryl Brackett for an in-depth discussion on CDL requirements, laws, and regulations. This session will also cover guidance on starting a CDL training program in your school and provide an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Topics Include:

  • CDL licensing requirements
  • Federal and state laws and regulations
  • Steps to establish a CDL training program
  • Q&A session for personalized advice
09:30-10:45 Developing a Comprehensive Security Strategy Chris Grotton- Husson University This class will examine the process of assessing risks and develop a security strategy designed to mitigate identified risks. We will discuss a systems approach to your security strategy and provide examples of proactive and reactive security measures, as well as the importance of integrating physical security measures.
09:30-10:45 Responding to Vaping at School - A Restorative Response Stacey Barlow

This workshop will focus on the teenage vaping epidemic, what is driving it and how to respond when vaping happens at school. We will explore the basics of creating a Restorative vaping policy that avoids suspension and helps youth quit.

We will also share the collaborative project between the MSSC and the CDC that will provide restorative Middle and High schools with on-site treatment providers throughout Maine.

09:30-12:15 Wheelchair Securement Lisa Gadway Lisa Gadway will conduct a "Train the Trainers" session on wheelchair securement. The training will emphasize hands-on practice, ensuring participants are equipped with the practical skills needed to properly secure wheelchairs on school buses. This training is critical, as SAUs (School Administrative Units) must be prepared to accommodate students with disabilities who may transfer to their schools.
09:30-10:45 Responding to and Investigating Bomb Threat and Swatting Hoaxes Brian LeBlanc- FBI This course will introduce attendees to the realities of bomb threats including a detailed review of statistics involving hoax threats and bombing incidents in the academic community.  Best practices for the assessment and response will be covered including the decision-making process for evacuation or sheltering in place.  
11:00-12:15 Transportation Supervisor Guide to Human Resources Michael Buescher of Drummond Woodsum
  1. Employee Evaluation
  2. Discipline and Due Process
  3. Additional HR-related topics relevant to transportation supervisors

This session will likely provide important insights into managing employees effectively while adhering to legal requirements.

11:00-12:15 Terrorism and Radicalization Awareness Brian Leblanc- FBI This course will introduce attendees to the concepts of international and domestic terrorism, with a focus on identifying and understanding the signs of radicalization.  This will include a detailed review of various ideological threats from Racially Motivated Violent Extremism, Anti-Authority Violent Extremism, Religious Violent Extremism, and Incel Violent ideology.   
11:00-12:15 School Emergency Management Basics Melissa Condon- FEMA School emergency operations planning is a fundamental component of school safety. This lesson is intended to introduce students to the basic terminology and concepts of emergency management, emergency planning, threat/hazard identification and the use of hazard mitigation strategies.
11:00-12:15 Naloxone in Maine Schools Tammy Diaz & Jessica Schermer


1. Increase understanding of what naloxone is, how naloxone works in the body, and its role in reversing opioid overdoses.

2. Review legislation regarding naloxone and naloxone education for secondary students in Maine schools.

3. Outline best practices in substance use prevention education.

4. Train participants to recognize signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose and how to respond effectively, including activation of emergency medical services and proper administration of nasal naloxone and potential side effects.

5. Connect participants with resources to support naloxone education in schools.

1:15-12:30 Supporting an inclusive classroom Out Maine This presentation will explore terminology and pronoun usage, risk, and protective factors, supporting transgender and gender-expansive youth, student rights, intervening in harmful behavior, and creating an inclusive classroom.
1:15- 2:30 Driving the Future: Exploring Electric School Buses Maine Bus Vendors

Discussion Topics:

Pros and Cons of Electric School Buses: Environmental impact and sustainability, Upfront costs vs. long-term savings, Challenges with range, weather, and terrain.

Is Your School a Good Fit for Electric Buses? Evaluating routes and range requirements, Considering energy costs and local infrastructure, Addressing rural vs. urban challenges.

1:15- 2:30 Creating a Culture of Care in Schools using Restorative Practices Stacey Barlow

This workshop will focus on the ways that Restorative Practices help create a sense of safety and mattering build relationships amongst staff members, between staff and students, and between students, creating an inclusive, equitable culture where all feel safe and like they matter. We will explore how Restorative Practices offer both prevention and response for wrongdoing, while helping students and staff to be accountable for their choices and repair harm when it does occur. We will also discuss the components of Creating a Culture of Care in Schools Using Restorative Practices and how to register your school for this training.

The Maine School Safety Center (MSSC) is offering a free, comprehensive whole staff Restorative Practices (RP) training for all schools. Twenty Pre-k through 12 schools have implemented this training during the 23-24 school year, and our calendar is now open for schools who would like to add this training to the support they offer their teachers in the coming academic school year.

1:15- 2:30 Maine Safe Schools Initiative Wendy Robichaud The Maine School Safety Center has launched the Maine Safe Schools Initiative, and all schools are invited to participate. The session will provide information on the Maine Safe Schools Initiative, including what it is and how to sign up. 
1:15-2:30 STOP THE BLEED School Nurse Regional Liaisons

STOP THE BLEED® is a collaboration led by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) to share knowledge of bleeding control with the public. The most common cause of preventable death post-injury is bleeding. The objective of this training is to help save a life. The training consists of an interactive in-person training, a PowerPoint presentation, and a hands-on skills session for those interested in certifying for STOP THE BLEED®. After successfully completing this in-person training, some participants may sign up to become STOP THE BLEED® instructors, allowing the opportunity to train members of their school and local community. To see if you would qualify, visit this STOP THE BLEED® Instructor Eligibility page. STOP THE BLEED® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved. © DoD.