Meet the MJRP Coordinators

The Maine Job’s and Recovery Plan has committed $6 million dollars to address the workforce development needs of those disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Maine’s Department of Education/Adult Education will help eligible adults and employment sectors recover from the stresses of the pandemic through a variety of academic and job training supports, including College and Career Success Coordinators.

Coordinators will be responsive to the needs of current and prospective community college students who may need additional assistance with advising and career planning or in acquiring the academic skills needed to successfully complete college-level work. Adult education students will also be provided with the assistance and support needed to make a successful transition to community college. CCSC Program Highlights.

3,229 learners have been served by College and Career Success Coordinators and Navigators
385 learners entered workforce training or employment
485 learners have entered the Maine Community College System
1,234 learners have created academic and career plans with Success Coordinators and Navigators
33% of learners enrolled in the CCSC program are multi-lingual learners (MLL)
98.5% satisfaction rate from learner anonymous surveys

Demographic data: Women 65%; BIPOC 37%; Multi-lingual learners 33%; Low Income 51%; Unemployed/Underemployed 75%; Justice involved 8%. (Data compiled from quarterly reports and MaineSTARS)


College and Career Success Coordinators


Brian Loring Bio Photo
Brian Loring

College and Career Success Coordinator for Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC)

I am excited to be working with the diverse learning community at Eastern Maine Community College and adult education hubs throughout the greater Bangor region. With career experience in both high school and adult education spaces, I am looking forward to providing support to learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Sarah Bushey Bio Photo
Sarah Bushey

College and Career Success Coordinator for Northern Maine Community College (NMCC)

I'm a native of Aroostook County, but I moved away young and have spent much of my time in school outside of Maine. I moved back in 2018 and have seen how much outmigration has affected Aroostook County. I'm passionate about keeping the young workforce in our County and assisting students in being successful in the classroom and beyond. I have found joy and meaning in connecting young people with the local community and helping them find mentors who serve as a home away from home and a support system. I strive to be a contact point that students can refer back to as they navigate their academic career and transition into the workforce.

Carolyn Haskell Bio Photo
Carolyn Haskell

College and Career Success Coordinator for Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC)

Interacting with students has been my passion during my 16+ years working in adult education. I get excited about advocating for students while modeling how they can advocate for themselves. I excel at building on students’ strengths while gently guiding them through their challenges. I firmly believe in the power of building relationships with students. Last fall a student who I had not heard from in ten years, tracked me down and asked for help. It was very fulfilling to realize that he still felt I was a resource for him. I also love seeing how students change and grow as they get more comfortable pursuing their academic and career goals. Students can expect a big smile and a lot of laughs when they meet with me. If it’s in person, I always have chocolate.


Melissa Hoffman Bio Photo
Melissa Hoffman

College and Career Success Coordinator for Southern Maine Community College (SMCC)

I was raised by two very enthusiastic educators and have followed their path. I graduated from Southern Maine Community College as a young single mother, and so it is very meaningful to give back to the community that has supported my educational growth. We are better together; this is my guiding star.

Sarah Bachand Bio Photo
Sarah Bachand

College and Career Success Coordinator for York County Community College (YCCC)

I was a high school teacher for most of my life but discovered more recently that I have a passion for helping students identify, plan, and achieve their post-secondary dreams. I am thrilled to be in this role. The students I work with are diverse in every way except for a shared desire to get started on their path. I help by simplifying processes, clarifying communication, and removing obstacles for one student at a time. I feel very lucky to be partnering with the Adult Education Centers of York County and York County Community College to do this good work!

Aimee Morrison Bio Photo
Aimee Morrison

College and Career Success Coordinator for Washington County Community College (WCCC)

Interacting with students has been my passion during my 16+ years working in adult education. I get excited about advocating for students while modeling how they can advocate for themselves. I excel at building on students’ strengths while gently guiding them through their challenges. I firmly believe in the power of building relationships with students. Last fall a student who I had not heard from in ten years, tracked me down and asked for help. It was very fulfilling to realize that he still felt I was a resource for him. I also love seeing how students change and grow as they get more comfortable pursuing their academic and career goals. Students can expect a big smile and a lot of laughs when they meet with me. If it’s in person, I always have chocolate.


Gabrielle Farias Bio Photo
Gabrielle Farias

College and Career Success Coordinator for Central Maine Community College (CMCC)

I graduated with my master’s degree from the University of Southern Maine and immediately left the country. Teaching overseas helped me learn so many new approaches to education in addition to experiencing new cultures and challenges. I returned to the United States in 2019 and shortly after, started working with Adult Education.  This allowed me to help a diverse group of students find their way on their educational journey. This position will enable me to continue assisting students to find their way when they are feeling overwhelmed and needing a clear plan and I can help them get there at their own pace. I love seeing students soar when they get the help they need, I truly feel like with all Central Maine Community College has to offer, we can work together to achieve career and college goals!