Articulation agreements provide the framework for secondary career and technical education (CTE) schools and programs to link to similar postsecondary programs at one of Maine's community colleges. The articulation connects a student's career pathway to one of Maine's Career Clusters. These agreements allow students to earn dual college or escrow credits at the secondary and/or postsecondary level. Additionally, CTE students who participate may complete a significant portion of a national industry-recognized skill credential.
- Maine Community College contacts for additional information
A statewide Articulation Agreement is a signed commitment that is agreed upon at the State level or approved annually by the lead administrators of the partnering institutions (secondary to postsecondary or subbaccalaureate to baccalaureate) designed to provide students with a nonduplicative sequence of progressive achievement leading to technical skill proficiency, a credential, a certificate, or a degree; and is linked through credit transfer agreements between the 2 institutions. A local Articulation Agreement is a signed written commitment that is agreed upon at the Local level and signed annually by the lead administrators of the partnering institutions.
A Dual and Concurrent enrollment program is a program offered by a partnership between at least one institution of higher education and at least one local educational agency through which a secondary school student, who has not graduated from high school with a regular high school diploma, is able to enroll in one or more postsecondary courses and earn postsecondary credit that is transferable to the institutions of higher education in the partnership; and applies toward completion of a postsecondary degree or recognized credential.
A Program of Study is a coordinated, nonduplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary level that—
- incorporates challenging State academic standards, including those adopted by a State under section ESEA;
- addresses both academic and technical knowledge and skills, including employability skills;
- is aligned with the needs of industries in the economy of the State, region, Tribal community, or local area;
- progresses in specificity (beginning with all aspects of an industry or career cluster and leading to more occupation-specific instruction);
- has multiple entry and exit points that incorporate credentialing;
- provides opportunity for secondary students to earn postsecondary credit; and
- culminates in the attainment of a recognized postsecondary credential.
NOTE – Based on Maine’s CTE graduation pathway, and the Perkins V definitions above, all State approved secondary CTE programs that offer nonduplicative, technical concurrent/dual enrollment or articulated credit options with a postsecondary program in the relevant career and technical education career pathway are defined as a Program of Study.
SEC. 122(d)(4)(A) requires State level programs of study that are made available for adoption by eligible recipients. Maine currently has 2 State level programs of study aligned with the Maine Community College System.
SEC. 134(b)(2) requires eligible recipients of Perkins funding have not less than 1 program of study approved by the State.