Degree-Granting Institutions

Post-secondary educational institutions that award accredited associate’s, baccalaureate, or graduate degrees are known as degree-granting institutions. Several public and private schools both in-state and out-of-state are authorized to operate in Maine, and new institutions are able to apply for authorization.

Higher Education Institutions Authorized by Maine

Higher Education Institutions Exempt from Authorization in Maine

  • Exempt Schools. More than 300 schools are exempt from the oversight of Maine law due to the lack of physical presence in the State.*

Process for Obtaining Authorization or Exemption from State of Maine

  • Providers of online courses or programs should contact the individual below for more information related to authorization/exemption.

  • Become Authorized a Degree-Granting Institution. Learn how to establish a degree-granting institution in Maine.

* This list is occasionally updated and may be inaccurate due to the change in an institution's status out of the control of MaineDOE