Educator Effectiveness

Rule Chapter 180, adopted by the Maine DOE in April 2014, requires that the Department “develop at least one complete State Model PEPG system for teachers and at least one complete State Model PEPG system for principals.” The Teacher Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth (T-PEPG) model was informed by the work of the Maine Schools for Excellence and the development of performance evaluation and professional growth systems in other states. The details of the model elements described in this document are a synthesis of research, conversations, listening and critical review by experts, stakeholders and practitioners in the field. 

Teacher Training Modules

In an effort to help teachers fully participate in the State T-PEPG model in their districts, the Department has worked with American Institutes of Research (AIR) to produce a series of training modules that are intended to inform teachers about the four-step process that structures the State T-PEPG model. Each module, consisting of a PowerPoint slide presentation, a Facilitator’s Guide and handouts, presents interactive learning activities designed within a framework of adult learning theory and best practice. Districts who are either modifying the state model or developing a locally designed Teacher PEPG system can tailor the slides and documents to fit their systems.

  • Module 1: T-PEPG System Overview. The first module provides an overview of the key features of the T-PEPG model and unpacks the basic structure and terminology of the MSFE rubric. Module 1 Facilitator's GuideModule 1 PowerPointModule 1 Handouts                                      
  • Module 2: Student Learning Objectives. The second module engages participants in the student learning objective (SLO) development process. Module 2 Facilitator's Guide; Module 2 PowerPointModule 2 Handouts   
  • Module 3: Reflection and Goal Setting. The third module engages participants in reflection and setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. Module 3 Facilitator's GuideModule 3 PowerPoint; Module 3 Handouts  
  • Module 4: Evidence, Observation, and Feedback. The fourth module describes expectations for observations (both inside and outside classrooms), the collection and organization of observation evidence, and the sharing of timely, constructive feedback. All participants engage in meaningful, collaborative, and constructive peer observation. Module 4 Facilitator's Guide: Module 4 PowerPoint; Module 4 Handouts 
  • Module 5: Reflecting and Adjusting. The fifth module supports participants in the use of the MSFE Rubric, evidence, and student data to monitor progress toward their professional goals. The module includes an extension section that facilitators can use as needed to prepare teachers to gather evidence in preparation for the summative evaluation conference and as a tool to guide reflection and future goal setting. The section also includes an overview of the summative scoring process and professional growth planning process. Module 5 Facilitator's Guide; Module 5 PowerPoint; Module 5 Handouts