Administrator Effectiveness

State Principal Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth Models

Rule Chapter 180, adopted by the Maine DOE in April 2014, requires that the Department “develop at least one complete State Model PEPG system for teachers and at least one complete State Model PEPG system for principals.” In order to provide a principal model, the Department first adopted the Auburn School Department’s (ASD) Administrator Evaluation Framework in August 2014, and then the Maine Schools for Excellence (MSFE) LEPG Program as a second State principal model in December 2014. 

In preparing the ASD Administrator Evaluation Framework for adoption as a state model, a collaborative group — comprising ASD administrators, Maine DOE staff, and representatives of The Maine Principals’ Association — convened to review the framework document that had been developed by the Auburn School Department development committee, make revisions, and finalize the details. The ASD Administrator Evaluation Framework builds on the principal evaluation system developed by the MPA by including student learning and growth measures and other elements to form a complete model. A Quality Assurance Inventory prepared by the Maine DOE and ASD provides detailed evidence of how the ASD Administrator Evaluation Framework meets the requirements of Rule Chapter 180.

The Maine Schools for Excellence (MSFE) Model LEPG Program was developed by the Maine Schools for Excellence staff and American Institutes of Research (AIR) in collaboration with teachers and leaders in the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) districts. Once the MSFE Model LEPG Program Guidebook was completed for the TIF schools, AIR worked with the Maine DOE to produce a version of the guide that can serve as a state principal PEPG model.

Each of the Maine DOE principal PEPG models may be used by SAUs in one of four ways:

  • A model to be voluntarily adopted in its entirety prior to June 1, 2015;
  • A model to be adopted by default in its entirety by SAUs who are not able to complete the development of a model in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 180 prior to June 1, 2015;
  • A model to be adopted in part and merged with locally determined elements by SAUs prior to June 1, 2015; or
  • A guide to local SAUs in developing and implementing a model.

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