The climate culture and resilience team provides resources, guidance, and technical support to SAUs through a trauma-informed approach. As an action-oriented team supporting educators, CCR provides expertise in areas of Social Emotional Learning and Intelligence, Family Engagement, Cultural Responsiveness, and Mental Health, as well as Migrant and McKinney Vento-identified student support.
School Climate refers to the many aspects of students’ educational experience that influence their social, emotional, and academic development. The climate of a school can impact student engagement in school activities; relationships with other students, staff, family, and community; and academic performance. A positive social and emotional school climate is conducive to effective teaching and learning. Such climates promote health, growth, and development by providing a safe and supportive learning environment.
Looking at School Climate data
Surveying students, staff and the community on a regular basis will provide an overall picture of the school climate and student engagement. With this information, a school community can address the areas of concern identified in the survey data. With ongoing surveys, the school community can assess if implementations are effective.
- Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS)
- GLSEN 2017 National School Climate Survey
- Safe Supportive Learning. The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) maintains a compendium of valid and reliable surveys, assessments, and scales of school climate that can assist educators in their efforts to identify and assess their conditions for learning.
- Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment on Our Nation's School Buses
- Quick Guide on Making School Climate Improvements