Climate Education Professional Development Grant Pilot Program

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Phase 1 Overview

The Maine Department of Education funded 7 programs throughout the state for the first phase of the Climate Education Professional Development Pilot Program. Programs were held in the spring and summer of 2024.

Full Program Assessment

  • 128 teachers participated from 50 schools
  • 17 community-based partners
  • Over 4000 students reached

Applications for Phase 3 grant funds will be available in January 2025 for programs starting July 1st, 2025, through June 30th, 2026.

Overview of the Program:

Maine's 130th legislature passed a resolution, sponsored by Representative Blume of York and Senator Breen of Cumberland, to create a pilot program to encourage climate education in Maine's schools.

This pilot program awards grants for high-quality professional development designed and carried out in partnership with community-based nonprofit organizations. Grant awards are designed to be accessible to all local education providers throughout the state for Pre-K through grade 12. The program gives priority to applications that:

  1. Serve historically underserved by climate education communities;
  2. Are first-time applicants to the program.
Eligible Applicants:
  1. A school administrative unit, as described in 20-A M.R.S.A §1, 26,
  2. A school in an unorganized territory under 20-A M.R.S.A Chapter 119, or
  3. A CTE Region school/program established under 20-A M.R.S.A. Chapter 313, Subchapter 4 (Applied Technology Education).
  4. A school funded by the Bureau of Indian Education
Community Partners:

Community-based non-profit organizations with a focus on community, climate, the environment, outdoors, and/or education in the state of Maine cannot be the direct recipients of this grant. However, they play a crucial role in connecting and supporting the local education provider. Here are some roles community-based organizations do and can play in this program:

  1. Community Partners will facilitate and provide professional development.
  2. Community Partners can reach out to, encourage, and help local education providers apply for this RFA program (*local education providers must submit the application).
  3. Community Partners can establish lasting partnerships with schools that last beyond the program.



Phase 1

Programming: February - August, 2024

Media Release: Maine DOE Awards $300,000 in Climate Education Professional Development Grants  – Maine DOE Newsroom

Phase 2

Application Window: March 12th - May 3rd, 2024

Award Window: July 2024 - June 2025

Maine Department of Education Awards $750,000 in Climate Education Professional Development Grants – Maine DOE Newsroom

Phase 3

Application Window: January - March 2025

Award Window: July 2025 - June 2026

Funds and Uses:


Program Funds Available for Phase 3
Applicable Use of Funds
  1. Hiring or contracting for program staff;
  2. Providing stipends or other incentives to teachers, paraprofessionals, retired teachers, and community organizations; ">
  3. Developing curricula and related supplies;
  4. Covering costs associated with renting or purchasing physical space for programming; and
  5. Paying administrative expenses
Non-Applicable Use of Funds
  1. Direct instruction by program staff and partner organization in the classroom;
  2. Construction or infrastructure building of any kind;
  3. Stipends and substitution costs for the same programming time. The Department will not pay for time that is already part of someone’s job position;
  4. Food and Beverage unless clearly necessary for program operation, such as overnight programming

Project Pilots

Saco, Dayton, & Biddeford

In June of 2024, Saco, Dayton, & Biddeford partnered with a community-based organization, The Ecology School, for a Climate Education Teacher Institute and a series of virtual meetings.

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School Unit 93

Five schools on the Blue Hill Peninsula in School Union 93 came together to partner with Maine TREE and the Woodlawn Museum for a four-day teacher professional learning week.

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North Haven & Vinalhaven School

Partnered with Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership:

"Teaching Resilience: Professional Development for Climate Curricula, was a three-phased program to support teachers from a variety of grade levels and disciplines. It emphasized interdisciplinary, place-based, and project-based curriculum development, bringing teachers together to form a connected cohort of professionals across two island communities."


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Greenville Consolidated School

Partnered with Rural Aspirations Project, Greenville created a program to "offer our rural students an opportunity to play a part in reducing climate change through offering climate educational learning opportunities that promote outdoor learning and a sense of place."

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Fryeburg Academy

Fryeburg Academy created the Climate Action Progress Team lead by their Director of Outdoor Learning and Research Center. The CAPT developed partnerships throughout their area and worked with those partners to explore new content areas for the classroom.

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RSU 12 Sheepscot Valley

RSU 12 partnered with The Friends of Cobbossee Watershed and hosted a three-day workshop focused on local ecology and conservation.

RSU 64 Corinth Central High School

Partnered with Hirundo Wildlife Preserve, RSU 64 brought outdoor training to educators including macrovertebrates and Educational Trip Leader and Wilderness First Aid certifications in order to safely bring students into the outdoors


Teddy Lyman
Climate Education Specialist
Phone: 207-592-0036