Women's Center - Contacts

17 Mallison Falls Road
Windham, Maine 040624

Phone: (207) 893-7132

Population Capacity:
Women's Center:   84
MCC - B Pod:   63

Custody Levels:

  • Close
  • Community
  • Minimum
  • Medium
Number of Staff:
Women's Center:   14 (9 security)
MCC - B Pod:   5 security
 Women's Center logo
 CHANGE image

Mission Statement

The mission of the Women’s Center is to reduce recidivism and increase accountability among female offenders by using a variety of evidence based and gender informed practices. We recognize the effect trauma has on the female’s pathways to incarceration and because of that, the Department will offer educational and vocational opportunities that address individual needs and encourage growth to females during their incarceration.